Terms of Use


This website respira.com contains information about products and services offered by the company Kristalna Ideja d.o.o., 4. gardijske brigade 43, 21000 Split and serves as the company's electronic sales point - online store.

The terms and conditions of the online store (www.respira-live.com) have been drawn up in accordance with the current Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) and the Obligatory Relations Act (ZOO). Please read carefully all the conditions of purchase and business listed below. By ordering the product, the Customer confirms acceptance of these purchase conditions.



Seller's headquarters: Kristalna Ideja d.o.o., 4. guard brigade 43, 21000 Split

Phone: +38521645586,

E-mail: info@respira-live.com

OIB: 36016267216,

MB: 04125797

The company is registered in the Registry of the Commercial Court in Split.

The basic capital is HRK 20,000.00/ EUR 2,654.45 (fixed conversion rate 7.53450) and has been paid in full.



A customer is any legal or physical person who makes an order and payment in the online store (www.respira-live.com).



Pursuant to Article 57 of the Consumer Protection Act, the Seller must inform the Buyer in a clear and comprehensible manner about:

  1. the main features of the goods or services, to the extent that this is appropriate with regard to the goods or services and the medium used to transmit the information

  2. its name and headquarters, telephone number and, if available, e-mail address

  3. if applicable, the name and registered office of the trader in whose name and/or on whose account he acts

  4. the geographic address of the place of business, that is, the geographic address of the place of business of the merchant in whose name and/or on whose account he acts, and to which the consumer can address his complaints, if that place is different from the headquarters from point 2 of this article

  5. the retail price of the goods or services, and if the nature of the goods or services does not allow the price to be calculated in advance, about the method of calculating the price and, if applicable, other costs of transportation, delivery or postal services, i.e. about the fact that these costs can be charged , if they cannot be reasonably calculated in advance

  6. the costs of using means of remote communication for the purpose of concluding a contract, if these costs are not charged at the basic rate

  7. payment terms, terms of delivery of goods or provision of services, time of delivery of goods or provision of services and, if any, the method of handling consumer complaints by the merchant

  8. the conditions, deadlines and procedure for exercising the right to unilateral termination of the contract, as well as the form for unilateral termination of the contract in accordance with Article 74, paragraph 1 of this Act, in cases where this right exists

  9. to the fact that the consumer is obliged to bear the costs of returning the goods in the event that he exercises his right to unilaterally terminate the contract from Article 72 of this Act, that is, on the costs of returning the goods, in the event that in distance contracts, the goods cannot be returned due to their nature returned by mail in the usual way

  10. to the fact that, in the event that he exercises his right to unilaterally terminate the contract from Article 72 of this Act after making a request in accordance with Article 64 or Article 70 of this Act, the consumer will be obliged to pay the trader a reasonable part of the price in accordance with Article 77, paragraph 7 of this Act

  11. the fact that the consumer cannot use the right to unilaterally terminate the contract from Article 72 of this Act, in cases where, based on Article 79 of this Act, that right is excluded, that is, about the conditions under which the consumer loses the right to unilaterally terminate the contract

  12. existence of liability for material defects

  13. services or assistance offered to the consumer after the sale and the terms of use of these services or assistance, if the merchant provides them, as well as any guarantees issued with the goods or service

  14. the existence of appropriate rules of conduct of the merchant, as defined in Article 5, Clause 18 of this Act

  15. the duration of the contract, if the contract was concluded for a certain period of time, or under the conditions of cancellation or termination of the contract that was concluded for an indefinite period, or which is automatically extended

  16. the minimum term in which the consumer is bound by the contract, if any

  17. the deposit or other financial security that the consumer is obliged to pay or obtain at the merchant's request, as well as the conditions for paying that deposit, or the conditions for obtaining other financial security

  18. if applicable, the functionality of the digital content, including the necessary technical protection measures for these contents

  19. if applicable, the interoperability of digital content with computer or software equipment of which the trader knows or should know

  20. mechanisms for out-of-court settlement of disputes, that is, about compensation systems, and how the consumer can use them.

All the aforementioned notices, i.e. those that are necessary in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act, can be found in these Terms of Purchase on the RESPIRA website (www.respira-live.com).



The invoice that the customer will receive together with the ordered goods is a confirmation of the concluded contract and contains all the necessary information from Article 57 of the ZZP.



These terms of purchase represent the rules of conduct by which the merchant undertakes to act in its business practices.



Prices are expressed in euros, and VAT is included in the price. Prices, payment terms and promotional offers are valid only at the time of order and may change without prior notice.



Ordering goods through the online store is possible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can order as a registered or unregistered user.

All products listed on the online store (www.respira-live.com) are available for order in limited quantities. If a certain product is not available at the time of the order, the customer will be notified and offered the most similar replacement product or a refund.

The customer is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the data entered during registration and ordering.



The company Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. will periodically, at its discretion, put certain products on special sale. These products will be available under the same conditions to all customers or will be available to customers of a certain, precisely specified group.

After the end of the promotional sale, the company Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. will not accept new orders under the terms of the expired special sale.



In accordance with the provisions of the Law on Consumer Protection ("Official Gazette" No. 41/14), Article 11, Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. does not transfer the customer's personal data to a third party without the prior express and written approval of the customer and collects only basic data about customers/users.

We undertake to apply maximum security measures in order to protect the interests of customers and prevent possible misuse of information. In the process of realizing the purchase, we will only use information that is necessary.

Customers are regularly given choices about the use of their data, including the ability to decide whether or not they want their name removed from lists used for marketing campaigns.

All customer data is strictly kept and is available only to employees who need the said data in business and will not be sold, disclosed or given to a third party. All employees are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection.



The RESPIRA website (www.respira-live.com) uses the so-called cookie - text files placed on the computer of the user/visitor by the web server used by the visitor. The files are created when the browser on the user's device loads the Internet pages visited, which then send data to the browser, which then creates a text file (cookie). The browser retrieves and sends the file to the website server (sites, pages) when the user returns to it, thus providing users with more online options and a better user experience.

It is important to emphasize that the RESPIRA website (www.respira-live.com) cannot access other files on the user's computer or gain access to information that the user has not previously provided. It does not contain cookies that enable programs to run or install viruses on your computer.

Data that is collected includes the user's IP address, browser data, language, operating system and other standard statistical data that is collected and analyzed exclusively in anonymous and bulk form. The website www.respira-live.com uses Google Analytics statistics. Data on how users use the RESPIRA website can occasionally be collected using other tools similar to Google Analytics.

Also, for the purpose of planning the publication of content appropriate to your interests and future marketing campaigns, the Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting tool is used, where data from Google's interest-based advertising or third-party audience data (e.g. age, gender and interests) can be used on to the Google Analytics service. Detailed third-party information about this service, as well as about the user's ability to regulate the cookie settings necessary for this, is available on Google's website

page: https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/terms/gb/

If you do not agree to the use of cookies, you can easily delete (or prevent) them on your computer or mobile device using your browser settings.

As the purpose of cookies is to improve and enable the use of our website and its processes, please note that by preventing or deleting cookies, you may disable the functionality of features of this site or cause it to work and look differently in your browser.

By using this website, you agree to the method of data collection and use described in this Statement and to the storage and access of cookies on your device.



The package is delivered by delivery to the address, via a delivery service or by an employee of our company.

The speed of delivery may deviate from the usual during holidays, non-working days, during large sales campaigns and other situations in which there are possible difficulties during delivery.

Calculation of postage for orders outside Croatia is available during the purchase process or after selecting a product.

The products will be packed so that they cannot be damaged by normal handling during transport. When picking up the shipment, the buyer is obliged to check any EXTERNAL damage to the shipment, i.e. the package, and immediately report them to the delivery person, or refuse to take delivery of a shipment with visible major external damage. In this case, please contact us so that we can check the condition of the shipment as soon as possible and, if necessary, send a new one.

If you want delivery on a specific date, please let us know in the notes when ordering.

The tracking number can be found in the shipment confirmation. Depending on the data entered during the order (electronic address or mobile phone number), the tracking number will arrive by e-mail or SMS.



If you are not satisfied with the product you ordered, you can return it for a refund of the full amount paid, including the shipping amount if it was charged (only for the return of the entire order).

All returned products must be unused and unopened in their original packaging.

Due to health and hygiene reasons, RESPIRA will in no case accept the return of products that have been opened (removed from the factory-sealed packaging) and/or used.

You bear the cost of shipping to our warehouse for the products you are returning (by mail or delivery service), except in the case of returning or replacing defective products, when all costs are borne by Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. For returns of unused and unopened products in our warehouse, please contact us beforehand on phone: +38521645586 or e-mail: info@respira-live.com



Returns and exchanges must be arranged in advance

If you want a refund, a copy of the invoice must be attached to the goods that qualify for the refund. We make the refund in the way the transaction was done.

Refunds will be made in accordance with the legal deadline of 14 days (ZZP), i.e. after we receive the product

When returning the product, the customer is responsible for properly packing the product/s in a cardboard box so that the product is not damaged during transport. If the damage occurs because the customer did not protect the product during packaging (e.g. returned products wrapped in plain paper or a bag) - refund or exchange will not be accepted.

You must return the goods to us without delay, and no later than within 14 days from the day you notified us of the unilateral termination of the contract.



In the event of damage during delivery, wrongly delivered goods or the product you received is defective (manufacturer's fault), please contact us (by e-mail or telephone) within two working days of receiving the shipment. We will resolve all complaints as soon as possible. In these cases, Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. covers all product replacement costs.



  1. The consumer has the right, without giving reasons, to unilaterally terminate a contract concluded outside the business premises or concluded remotely within 14 days.

  2. In the case of concluding a contract of sale, the term referred to in paragraph 1 of this article begins to run from the day when the goods that are the subject of the contract are handed over to the consumer or a third person designated by the consumer, who is not the carrier.

  3. If with one order the consumer ordered several pieces of goods that should be delivered separately, i.e. if it is a question of goods that are delivered in several pieces or in several shipments, the period from paragraph 1 of this article begins to run from the day when the consumer or a third party to a person specified by the consumer, who is not the carrier, given possession of the last piece or the last shipment of goods.

  4. If a regular delivery of goods is contracted for a certain period, the term from paragraph 1 of this article begins to run from the day when the first piece or the first consignment of goods is handed over to the consumer or a third person designated by the consumer, who is not the carrier.

  5. In the case of entering into a contract for services, a contract for the supply of water, gas or electricity that is sold in an unlimited volume or unlimited quantity, and the supply of thermal energy, as well as in the case of entering into a contract the subject of which is digital content that is not delivered on a physical medium, the period referred to in paragraph 1 of this article begins to run from the date of conclusion of the contract.



You can electronically fill out and send a copy of the form for unilateral termination of the contract, which is available on our website. We will send you the confirmation of receipt of the notice of unilateral termination of the contract by e-mail without delay.

Instructions for unilateral contract termination

You can unilaterally terminate the contract within 14 days without giving a reason.

    • In order to be able to exercise the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement, you must notify us of your decision to unilaterally terminate the Agreement before the end of the term by an unequivocal statement sent by post or email, in which you will state your name and surname, address, telephone number and address e-mails, and you can also use the attached sample form for unilateral termination of the contract.

    • The deadline for unilateral termination is 14 days from the day when the goods that are the subject of the contract were handed over to you or to a third party designated by you, who is not the carrier.

    • If you unilaterally terminate this Agreement, we will refund the money we received from you, including delivery costs, without delay, and no later than within 14 days from the day we received your decision to unilaterally terminate the agreement, unless you have chosen another type delivery which is not the cheapest standard delivery that we have offered.

      • The refund will be made in the same way you made the payment. In the event that you agree to another way of returning the amount paid, you do not bear any costs in relation to the return.

    • We can issue a refund only after the goods have been returned to us or after you provide us with proof that you sent the goods back to us.

    • It is considered that you have fulfilled your obligation on time if you have sent the goods to our address before the expiration of the aforementioned period.

    • You must bear the direct costs of returning the goods yourself.

    • You are responsible for any decrease in the value of the goods resulting from the handling of the goods, except that which was necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods. Obligations of the consumer in case of unilateral termination of the contract (excerpt from ZZP, article 77)

  1. Unless the trader has offered to pick up the goods returned by the consumer himself, the consumer must return the goods without delay and no later than within 14 days from when, in accordance with Article 74 of this Act, he informed the trader of his decision to terminate the contract.

  2. It is considered that the consumer has fulfilled his obligation from paragraph 1 of this article on time if he sends the goods or hands them over to the trader or a person authorized by the trader to receive the goods before the deadline from paragraph 1 of this article expires.

  3. The consumer must bear only the direct costs of returning the goods, unless the trader has agreed to bear these costs or if the trader has failed to inform the consumer that he is obliged to bear these costs.

  4. If, in the case of a contract concluded outside the business premises, the goods were delivered to the consumer at his home at the time of the conclusion of the contract, the trader must take over the goods at his own expense if, due to their nature, it is not possible to return the goods in the usual way by post.

  5. The consumer is responsible for any decrease in the value of the goods resulting from the handling of the goods, except for that which was necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods.

  6. As an exception to paragraph 5 of this article, if the trader has not informed the consumer of his right to unilaterally terminate the contract in accordance with article 57, point 8 of this Act, the consumer is not liable for the decrease in the value of the goods, regardless of the cause of the decrease in the value of the goods .

  7. If he unilaterally terminates the contract after, in accordance with Articles 64 and 70 of this Act, he has expressly demanded that the provision of the service or the fulfillment of the contract for the supply of water, gas, electricity sold in unlimited volume or unlimited quantity and the supply of thermal energy begin before upon expiry of the term for unilateral termination of the contract, the consumer is obliged to pay the trader a part of the agreed price that is proportional to what the trader fulfilled to the consumer until the moment when the consumer informed him about using his right to unilaterally terminate the contract, with the provision that the proportional amount of the price that the consumer is obliged to pay is calculated on the basis of the total contracted price, and if that price is excessive, on the basis of the market value of what the trader has fulfilled to the consumer.

  8. If he unilaterally terminates a contract for services or a contract for the supply of water, gas or electricity sold in an unlimited volume or unlimited quantity and for the delivery of thermal energy, the consumer will not be obliged to pay a part of the price commensurate with what the trader fulfilled to the consumer during the duration deadline for unilateral termination of the contract, if the trader has not provided the consumer with the notices provided for in the provisions of Article 57, paragraph 1, points 8 and 10 of this Act, or if the consumer has not, in accordance with Articles 64 or 70 of this Act, expressly requested that the provision of the service begin before the expiry deadline for unilateral contract termination.

  9. If he unilaterally terminates a contract that has as its subject digital content that is not delivered on a physical medium, the consumer will not be obliged to pay a part of the price or costs commensurate with what the trader has fulfilled to the consumer during the term for unilateral termination of the contract, if he has not given his explicit consent to start the fulfillment of the contract before the expiration of the 14-day period from Article 72 of this Act, if he has not confirmed that he is aware of the fact that by giving such consent he loses the right to unilaterally terminate the contract or if the trader has failed to notify him in accordance with Articles 63. or 69 of this Act.



The consumer does not have the right to unilaterally terminate the contract from this section if:

The service contract was fully fulfilled by the merchant, and fulfillment began with the explicit prior consent of the consumer and with his confirmation that he is aware of the fact that he will lose the right to unilaterally terminate the contract from this section if the service is fully fulfilled.

The subject of the contract is goods that are made according to the consumer's specifications or that are clearly adapted to the consumer

The subject of the contract is easily perishable goods or goods that quickly expire

The subject of the contract is sealed goods that are not suitable for return due to health or hygiene reasons, if they were unsealed after delivery

The consumer is obliged to bear the costs of returning the goods to Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. in case he uses his right to unilaterally terminate the contract from Article 72 of the ZZP.



Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. is responsible for the material defects of the items it sells on its website in accordance with the positive regulations of the Republic of Croatia, especially the Obligations Act.



In the case of a dispute between a consumer and a trader, a report can be submitted to the Court of Honor of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce or a proposal for conciliation can be submitted to the conciliation centers.



Over 95% of packages sent by RESPIRA (Kristalna Ideja d.o.o.) are delivered according to the schedule of the delivery service that sends them. Employees of Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. make all possible efforts to deliver and send the package according to the schedule. RESPIRA (Kristalna Ideja d.o.o.) cannot at any time be held responsible for delivery delays caused by the delivery service or "force majeure".



Pursuant to Art. 10 of the Law on Consumer Protection, we inform consumers that they can submit complaints about the quality of our services in writing (by post) to the address: Kristalna Ideja d.o.o., 4. gardijske brigade 43, 21000 Split or by e-mail: info@respira-live.com. We will return the answer to your complaint to in writing no later than 15 days from the day of receipt of the complaint. Please include your information in the complaint: name and surname, address for delivery of the reply.



European Commission Regulation no. 524/2013 on online resolution of consumer disputes, the "Platform for online resolution of consumer disputes" (Platform for ODR) is enabled at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/odr



The website www.respira-live.com is owned by Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. All content on www.respira-live.com such as texts, graphic content, trademarks (logos), icons, audio and video recordings, digital downloads, software packages and data are the property of Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. or our partners and are protected by domestic and international regulations on the protection of copyright and related rights, i.e. industrial property rights, and their unauthorized use constitutes a violation of regulations on the protection of intellectual property rights.



Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. makes maximum efforts to keep the information on the online store pages up-to-date and accurate. Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. cannot guarantee the 100% accuracy of all displayed information about products and services. In exceptional cases, deviations between the actual data and the data available on the web pages are possible. Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. undertakes in each such case to revise the order and contact the customer to personally agree on alternatives. Also, product photos may not always correspond to products that are actually available and should be understood as an informative illustration only.



RESPIRA website (www.respira-live.com) is owned by Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. and the use of the same is not charged, while for Internet access and the use of remote data transmission and the fee for providing such a service, please contact your operator.



Although Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. strives to provide the best possible service offer, Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. cannot guarantee that the services on the RESPIRA online store will meet your needs. Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. nor can it guarantee that the service will be error-free. If an error occurs, please report it to e-mail so that we can correct it as quickly as possible. Access to the online store (www.respira-live.com) may sometimes be unavailable due to work, maintenance or the introduction of new content.



Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. cannot take responsibility for any damages caused by the use of information from these pages for purposes that go beyond the scope of their intended purpose.

By accessing this website, the service provider/owner and creator of this website, Kristalna Ideja d.o.o., is released and discharged. any liability that could arise from improper use of products from this website. All products that are on sale from this website are considered original products and the supplier and owner of this website is Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. cannot be held liable for any injury or injury arising from the use of products purchased through this website.

All content on this website is informative or educational in nature. Consult your physician regarding the applicability of any opinion or recommendation to your symptoms or illness.

All products available through this website remain the property of the supplier, the owner of this website, Kristalna Ideja d.o.o., until the moment of full payment of the purchase price.

The End User expressly agrees that the use of the website (www.respira-live.com) is the sole responsibility of the End User so that the company Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. does not guarantee (i) the consequences that may arise from the use of this website. Kristalna Ideja d.o.o. reserves the right to refuse service or cancel an order at its own discretion, without limitation or giving reasons.



Payment in the online store (www.respira-live.com) is possible in the following ways:

    • Virman / general payment slip

    • Internet banking

    • Card payment (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro)

You can select Virman payment in the shopping cart, after which you will receive an order confirmation and the information required for payment. If you pay from a foreign bank, all bank transaction costs are borne solely by the payer.

Bank information:

Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., Radnička cesta 50, 10000 Zagreb
IBAN: HR46 2340 0091 1106 1729 4
Swift code: PBZGHR2X


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